"Bruno (Valerio Mastandrea) adesso fa il professore in un
istituto alberghiero di Milano, è diventato adulto, ma non è mai cresciuto, e
si trascina portandosi avanti un giorno dietro l’altro, cercando di stordirsi
in ogni modo la coscienza per non sentire quel “..po’ di vuoto dentro..” che lo
"Bruno (Valerio Mastandrea) now works as a professor in a catering institute in Milan, he became an adult but never grew, and he's dragging himself through the days, trying to daze his conscience in any way not to feel that "little emptiness on the inside" which is burdening him"
"Bruno (Valerio Mastandrea) now works as a professor in a catering institute in Milan, he became an adult but never grew, and he's dragging himself through the days, trying to daze his conscience in any way not to feel that "little emptiness on the inside" which is burdening him"